My work as a photographer takes me to places and graced encounters where the images from my lens become icons of wonder.
To the left of this image is a good friend and mentor, Sr Pauline Coll sgs who passed away on 9 October 2015. The photo was taken in August 2014 to celebrate the work of the Young Christian Workers Past Members Association.
The image captures much of Pauline's spirit and enthusiasm of her 77 years, of which she lived as a member of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan for 56 years. Pauline was one of those women that exuded joy and presence. Her legacy of justice seeking continues in the work of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) Read the tributes and comments here
I post this tribute with a great sense of loss and admiration for Pauline's presence most often when i was at Justice Place in Woolloongabba, a hub of justice and community building.
- National Office for the Participation of Women
- Brisbane Sister Honoured for Anti-Slavery Work
- Sisters of the Good Samaritan Facebook Page