Wear It Purple Day 2015

Wear It Purple Day 2020

When I was young I liked purple. However my parents and community didn't think it was an appropriate colour so I was not allowed to wear it.

I loved Lent and Advent because the Church was decorated in purple and the priests wore purple vestments. But no-one told me that purple was a colour for celebration. 

So now I wear purple in solidarity with young people who respect diversity and sexuality. I wear purple as an older man to make up for the years I missed out on this experience as a young man.
#WearItPurple ‪#‎ColourYourPerception‬

Australian Catholics For Equality Facebook Page

Over the last few years I have been a member of  the  advisory board of Australian Catholics for Equality.

This  role provides guidance to the Council of Moderators on issues affecting LGBTIQ Catholic persons, their family, friends and allies. The Advisory Board provides practical and strategic advice to support the total work of the organising community, improving the lives of LGBTIQ Catholics, their families, friends and allies to promote a just and inclusive church and society.

I look forward to the challenge and the opportunities of this new and exciting project.

Tony Robertson, Advisory Board Member
Tony is a Brisbane based social worker, who also uses his skills as a photographer to promote social change and equity in the community. He spent six years with the Capuchin Friars as a young adult and has been involved in various public ministries of the Church as a speaker, educator and retreat leader. Tony is an occasional commentator on LGBTI issues for the ABC and has extensive media experience writing press releases and responding to interview requests. He is currently the Spiritual Life facilitator for the L’Arche community in Brisbane. Tony is a member of the Brisbane LGBTIQ Action Group and supports Gar’ban’djee’lum Network an independent social network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, sistergirls and brotherboys (GLBTSB) in and around Brisbane.
