Tenth Day of Christmas: Light that Shines Through The Cracks

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

Five years ago the funeral  for Daniel Morecombe' was a public ritual of grief that spoke of light breaking the darkness in our community and culture. Out of the dark tragic story of Daniel's abduction and death, Bruce and Denise Morcombe have forged a commitment to the care and protection of children. Daniel's light will shine on in the way  he has brought a community together in the Daniel Morecombe Foundation.

Our challenge in  2017 is to find the crack and break the darkness:

  • Manus Island, 
  • Nauru,
  • Deaths in Custody
  • Domestic Violence
  • Homlessness
  • Exploitation of the Environment
