The Queensland Community Alliance will hold a pre-Budget Assembly on Wednesday 20 May from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. A small number of representatives of member organisations will attend the Assembly in person, but most will attend on-line via Zoom.
The Premier has been invited to attend the Assembly. We will ask her to make good on her commitments at our election assembly last year.
The specific asks we want to talk to her about are:
- *Funding for workplace rights education for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities;
- *Emergency funding for community centres which are experiencing a significant increase in requests for emergency relief in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the end of Job Keeper;
- *The creation of new jobs through a plan for a just transition to a clean energy economy
Many Catholics have been involved in the Alliance since it began in 2013. In that time, we have achieved much by joining with people from other churches, faiths, community organisations and unions. We need a large number of Catholics from all over Queensland to attend the pre-Budget Assembly on May 20 to ensure that the Premier hears a strong and loud message from across the State that we want her to honour her commitments on these issues which are so important for many in our community.
Please register your attendance at the Assembly today.
Share this message far and wide in your parishes and communities, your schools, your offices and agencies, your Vinnies conferences and your social justice and care for creation groups.
If you can, please call 2 or 3 of your friends or colleagues and invite them personally.
Let’s make sure there is a strong Catholic presence at the Assembly on Wednesday 20 May!
When you register, please put “Catholic Church” in the Organisation field.
Peter Arndt
Executive Officer
Catholic Justice & Peace Commission
Archdiocese of Brisbane
194 Charlotte St., Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 282, Brisbane QLD 4001
P: +61 7 3324 3441
M: +61 409 265 476