Community of St Dimpna - Providing a special place of hospitality at St Patrick’s, Church Hill, for survivors and victims of sexual abuse.
Each second Saturday at 7pm in The Crypt of St Patrick’s Church in Sydney, there will be a simple paraliturgy. This service will include the opportunity for individuals to be prayed over for healing. We will gather under the patronage of St Dimpna, patron saint of the sexually abused and those with mental or emotional distress.
Kevin Bates SM has written a beautiful reflective hymn for the St Dimpna Community. The hymn gives voice to the pain of those who have been wounded.
The first of these gatherings under the patronage of St Dimpna was held The Crypt at 7pm on Saturday 12 May 2018.
Michael Whelan I have, over the past ten years or so, grown in the conviction that "presence" matters. A lot! If we can provide a loving and healing presence, under the care-full eye of St Dimpna, when we gather each second Saturday evening, we will have done much. And let us be clear: The St Dimpna Community belongs to those who come. The "presence" depends on us all. We are in this together. Your "presence" - whoever you may be, whatever your life experience - is as important as anyone else's. It is occurring to me as I write: Maybe at the heart of the Community of St Dimpna is simply being present to each other in the Presence? Minimal formalities - enough to maintain care and respect - maximum presence. And that could look different each time we meet? I welcome your input. The more I know the more I know I don't know.
All welcome! Just turn up. Participate as you feel inclined.
Michael Whelan SM
Parish Priest
Each second Saturday at 7pm in The Crypt of St Patrick’s Church in Sydney, there will be a simple paraliturgy. This service will include the opportunity for individuals to be prayed over for healing. We will gather under the patronage of St Dimpna, patron saint of the sexually abused and those with mental or emotional distress.
Kevin Bates SM has written a beautiful reflective hymn for the St Dimpna Community. The hymn gives voice to the pain of those who have been wounded.
The first of these gatherings under the patronage of St Dimpna was held The Crypt at 7pm on Saturday 12 May 2018.
Michael Whelan I have, over the past ten years or so, grown in the conviction that "presence" matters. A lot! If we can provide a loving and healing presence, under the care-full eye of St Dimpna, when we gather each second Saturday evening, we will have done much. And let us be clear: The St Dimpna Community belongs to those who come. The "presence" depends on us all. We are in this together. Your "presence" - whoever you may be, whatever your life experience - is as important as anyone else's. It is occurring to me as I write: Maybe at the heart of the Community of St Dimpna is simply being present to each other in the Presence? Minimal formalities - enough to maintain care and respect - maximum presence. And that could look different each time we meet? I welcome your input. The more I know the more I know I don't know.
All welcome! Just turn up. Participate as you feel inclined.
Michael Whelan SM
Parish Priest