The second day of Christmas in the Catholic tradition is the feast of Stephen the martyr.
Brisbane's Catholic Cathedral is dedicated to St Stephen and is the home of some remarkable contemporary art work as well as being a centre for religion and spirituality.
The Cathedral of St Stephen precinct includes the historical Pugin Chapel with its memorial to St Mary of the Cross McKillop.
This album is a collection of image I have taken of the space and community at the Cathedral of St Stephen.
Cathedral of St Stephen
St Stephen's Chapel
Cathedral of St Stephen…/Cathedral_of_St_Stephen,_Brisbane
I tried to explain the 12 Days idea to one of the fresh faced workers and was greeted with a slightly blank expression. I didn't dare ask what school she attended in case someone from the "other place" reads this and says" "told you so about Catholic Schools".LOL
At the station as I waited for my train I struck up a conversation with one of the young boys who had been at the local primary school when I worked there for a few years. He is now a full blown teenager with a hangover. Must be something about having "been there" and done that" written all over me.The trip to the city saw me doing the older adult advice on how to drink sensibly with a young man who consumed far too many drinks too quickly with no food and no water breaks. Do they teach sensible drinking habits in Catholic Schools these days?
I was lucky as the Christian Brothers in Geelong built their College within walking distance of the Golddiggers Arms and most of the staff were old boys who seemed to take their responsibility of initiating the next generation with some duty of care.Will they have a special drink for WYD?
So, meanwhile back at the Feast of St Stephen, which I celebrate each year now at what is possibly the only Cathedral in Australia named in accordance with Fowler's Modern English Usage. Brisbane's Cathedral of St Stephen is so named to avoid the notion that St Stephen owns the place as in Dooley's Pub (which is now known sadly as the Valley Pub).
As well as celebrating the patronal feast of the Archdiocese, December 26th is the birthday of a colourful Brisbane identity, Mick Sullivan. Mick is a veteran of the old school of Labor Catholics and can probably match local hero Cliff Baxter for characters and anecdotes that live on in the imagination.There must be something about the name Mick Sullivan because a google search will provide you with a lifetime of reading of wonderful characters with that moniker, none of whom resemble our local product in Brisbane.
And so to the image with this post. It's the striking Nativity Scene installed at the edge of the Sanctuary in the COSS. The congregation at the Cathedral is a constant source of wonder and amazement. It is quite a cosmopolitan group with young Asian students,backpackers, Japanese Tourists, elderly people, a sprinkling of veiled Missionaries of Charity and the now unveiled Canossian Sistersall belting out a selection of carols to one of the best organs in any public building in the city.
It is quite an experience to sit in a full Cathedral the day after Christmas surrounded by faithful companions.Their greetings and spirit were quite a contrast to the crowds armed with their "boxing day bargains" I had to push through on my way back to the train.