Matthew Moloney: The courage of ordinary people in a time of drought...

"Courage of ordinary people in a time of drought" by Fr Matthew Moloney
This commentary by the Parish Priest of Longreach in Outback Queensland you might find emotionally moving in conflicting ways. Fr Matthew Moloney is one of three priests serving the people of 12 parishes and Mass centres of the Central West Deanery of the Rockhampton Diocese in Queensland. This area of the Diocese is one of a number of regions in Queensland caught up in a severe drought. Fr Moloney's commentary relates some of the depressing and tragic stress people are enduring because of the Drought. But it is also an uplifting story about what a Church and an extended religious community can do at its very best in providing people with hope and the strength to carry on in the most trying of circumstances. ...Brian Coyne, editor and publisher
by Matthew Moloney, Parish Priest, Longreach, Queensland
