Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim,was installed archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on October 6, 2014.The Archbishop has Australian connections from his days as a student at the University of New South Wales in the 1980s.
If there is a "Francis effect" happening in the church then this appointment is a clear sign of things to come. The new Archbishop is 46 years old and has been ordained for 12 years. By way of comparison, Australia's rising star, Anthony Fisher was appointed auxiliary Bishop of Sydney also after 12 year apprenticeship but Julian has beaten him to the Cathedra. No doubt they will be a great double act at the next ceremony of conferring of the Pallium.
As is the custom the new Archbishop has chosen a coat of arms. Usually this is no big deal and the average pew dweller wouldn't identify their shepherd by his choice of heraldry.

The Rorate Caeli blog notes: He will certainly be a great Archbishop -- well, at least assuredly for non-Catholics. He has just introduced a new symbol in ecclesiastical heraldry, the "Tree of All Religions" or "Coexist Tree". The gatekeepers of orthodoxy will be working overtime on this one.
I say "well done" to the new Archbishop for the contemporary touch in his coat of arms. This man is worth listening to so go and have a look at his interview here just after the announcement of his appointment. Note the lack of clerical dress and the relaxed professional approach to his work.