These men were part of the great story I inherited from my family about politics religion and culture. Mannix was a complex part of the story. I knew his opposition to conscription in the First World War. I was aware of his influence in the Catholic Social Movement which my father supported. My introduction to public politics was watching B A Santamaria every Sunday after mass.
I welcome this new work from the Melbourne Historical Diocesan Commission. Val Noone and Rachel Naughton have provided us with a collection of essays that should appeal to both the general reader and serious scholar.
This valuable work gathers the papers presented at a Conference of the same name held in the State Library of Victoria on 16 March 2013. Edmund Campion's contribution is available online.
Contributors to this work are almost as colourful as the main subject. Brian Costar, Patrick Morgan, Michael McKernan, Brenda Niall, Elizabeth Malcolm, David Schutz, Dermot Keogh, Gabrielle McMullen, Archbishop Denis Hart, Edmund Campion The most elusive of the contributors is another Mannix.Patrick Mannix appears in Google however the first few entries are far more "left of centre" than one would expect of an author on Daniel Mannix. I guess I will have to wait to see the book and hope it has some bio notes on Pat!!
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