Redfern Jarjum College is an independent Catholic, Jesuit school for children of families in the Aboriginal community of Redfern and its surrounds. The College is located in the historic presbytery of St Vincent's Parish.
This new Jesuit initiative has also been promoted by the Church Mouse, an online history of the Redfern Catholic Parish. This site includes some wonderful images of the work of Bill Clements honouring Shirley Smith (Mum Shirl) and Fr Ted Kennedy. Bill's sculptures will be installed in the area between the presbytery and the Church.
The website of the College is still in development. However it alreadyis a great resource providing educators and the general public with access to college information as well as excellent material on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The blog style presentation allows for comments and opportunities to engage with this exciting venture in contemporary education for young Indigenous students.
This project deserves wide community support and I suggest a visit to the donations page on of your Christmas shopping list.