Walter Wink RIP

Walter Wink might sound like the name of a Disney character to many Australians  and perhaps other readers. However this extraordinary man of faith was one of my online mentors. His writings and witness to non-violent living and  a contemporary reading of  the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures  have been some of the cornerstone material of my own reflection and choices.

I offer this post as a tribute to his recent passing and an introduction for my friends to his witness and writings that we may continue the work God began in him.

The Wikipedia entry now carries the date of Wink's death on May 10 2012 and uses a famous image of Wink preaching at the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Online Writings
Beyond Just War and Pacifism: Jesus Nonviolent Way
The Third Way
Homosexuality and the Bible
Easter What Happened to Jesus
Walter Wink Quotes
Theology and Ethics Web Resources for Wink
Prayer and the Powers (doc)
Response to Luke Timothy Johnson's The Real Jesus


Walter Wink: Nonviolence for the Violent

Walter Wink's explanation of the "Third Way" of Jesus. By illustrating "turn the other cheek", "offer your coat as well", and "go the second mile" with lively demonstrations, Dr. Wink puts "Do not resist evil" into a vibrant historical context with practical applications today at the Spiritual Pilgrimages of Peacemaking retreat in Princeton, New Jersey. 

Wink and the Occupy Movement
The Powers That Be: Theology For a New Millennium
A fellow Texan remembers Walter Wink

Remembering Walter Wink: Ethical Thought behind Non-Violence


Jon said…
Logos is working on producing "The Bible in Human Transformation: Toward a New Paradigm in Bible Study" by Walter Wink, as well as some of his other works on ethics.