Who were the Nuns at the Royal Wedding?

The blogsphere is buzzing with  people interested to know something about  those Nuns  at the Royal Nuptials.

Yahoo answers provides some interesting speculation with comments from fans of the Monty Python team.

The Daily Mirror even provides a media shot and  a free plug for Reebok!!

The two Sisters to give them their correct status, made a few cameo appearances particularly while the bridal couple were seated as they sat next door in somewhat drab haute couture. They are members of the Community of the Sisters of the Church, an Anglican order of religious women.

One of them I presume was Sr Judith, an Australian born member of the community who scored the Chaplain's job at the Abbey in 2007. But here is where the mystery deepens. You see the community only have one Sr Judith listed among their UK membership and her public pic  as editor of their newsletter has her outfitted in mufti. Perhaps the habit is for formal events like royal weddings and papal visits.  I suspect she  brought along a much taller companion for the wedding to give a semblance of gender balance in the sacred space.

The Abbey web site provides some great background info for those who fell asleep during the marathon event. There is a great page with details of the music that was used. Pity they don't provide the links to the youtube clips!!


Anonymous said…
looking at those boots, perhaps they were actually some kind of undercover security people. who knows what they had in and under those clokes / habits!! under cover cops I say!